Friday, November 26, 2004


If you want to know what is happening in Ukraine from a Christian perspective, check out this husband and wife team working there.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

EA Statement

Press Release issued by the Evangelical Alliance as aresult of the debate on The Lost Message of Jesus.

Friday, November 12, 2004


I could apologise for the hiatus that has occurred on this blog, but I won't. Some people see blogging as a 'ministry'. Not me. No one depends on this 'work', so I'm not letting anyone down. Even if someone did depend on it (unlikely) then I can only counsel greater detachment. I do this for fun, for me, me, me.

But the truth is I cannot justify excessive self-indulgence here. Hence the hiatus. Here are the reasons (in no particular order, but I'm sure a psychologist could make something of it):

First, exams. I have just had a Hebrew Grammar intra-semester test. Went OK, I think.

Second, essays. I have two due for the end of the month - an exegetical essay in Galatians, and one on Spurgeon and the Down-Grade Controversy. I am trying not to bury my head in the sand about these coming 'juggernauts'.

Third, teaching. I have been preaching once-weekly at Derwent Free Church now for 2 months. This new experience has been demanding. I no longer have the luxury of spending 20 hours on preparing a sermon. Must get it down to 8 hours.

Fourth, pastoral. I have been visiting members of the church. This does not take a lot of time since the church is small (~30 members and adherents). But it has unearthed some pastoral questions which could do with dealing with. More time required.

Fifth, evangelism in the locality of Derwent. This is suffering.

Sixth, church planting. I am helping a colleague with some door-to-door work in a neighbouring town.

Through all of this I have to make time for family! Frankly, given my own experience, I don't know how some people, especially minsters and pastors, can write a lengthy essay on their blog every day. Where do they get the time?