Saturday, March 12, 2005

Blurring the Lines

Tim Challies has an excellent post entitled The Blurring of Lines & Shame For The Gospel on the relationship between Rick Warren (author of Purpose Driven Life) and New Age Spirituality. Here's the key quote:
I do not necessarily believe that Rick Warren is knowingly New Age in his teaching. However, it seems clear that what he teaches, and what so many others mimic in his teaching, is not distinctly Christian. As believers we need to ensure that we do not mask the truth of the gospel message in vague, inoffensive, language. The gospel message is clear, offensive to [un? - SD]believers, foolish, but above all, powerful! To be ashamed of this message is to be ashamed of Christ himself. To remove the gospel from our message, is to leave ourselves with no message at all.

Go on, read it all. You know you want to.

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