Thursday, January 31, 2008

Keeping Up Contact

In the absence of anything useful to say, I thought I would play around with some 'buttons'!

On the sidebar to the right, you will have noticed over the last few days I had a 'Twitter' micro-blog. Complete waste of time. Now removed.

An addition that will remain is a button to sign up for a SPC (Solihull Presbyterian Church) email newsletter. I have been in the habit of writing to a number of contacts regularly, telling them of what we have been studying in morning worship. Some recipients are believers from other churches who can pray. The other recipients are contacts we have made who are not Christian. 

Someone recently suggested that we could use an online email service to do at least some of this work, so I am trying it out. It should save us money and time and deliver a better quality result. 

If you want to receive what we are publishing, then feel free to sign up but be aware that the content is geared towards the latter category mentioned above. If you do sign up, as well as keeping you informed,  it will help us road test the service during the 'Free Trial' period which runs for another 5 weeks or so.  Any feedback would be welcomed. 

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