Monday, June 20, 2005

Southern Baptists on State Education

A couple of days ago I posted on the failed PCA resolution to encourage members to withdraw from state education. Now it looks like the Southern Baptists are going to revisit the issue. Al Mohler has written of the need for the SBC to have an exit strategy for its members. Though a 'common' educational system has done much good for the peope of the US, there are now serious problems. Here's a quote (emphasis mine):
The breakdown of the public school system is a national tragedy. An honest assessment of the history of public education in America must acknowledge the success of the common school vision in breaking down ethnic, economic, and racial barriers. The schools have brought hundreds of millions of American children into a democracy of common citizenship. Tragically, that vision was displaced by an ideologically-driven attempt to force a radically secular worldview.

In other words, the danger is not in the vehicle of any state system itself, but it is in the ideology it is allowed to convey.

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