Sunday, January 08, 2006

This Lord's Day

The family and I had the pleasure of attending Solihull Presbyterian Church near Birmingham. It was a very encouraging time. Albert and Julie Lutz are from the PCA in the US and are here for two years. They have been working there since the summer last year, meeting people, distributing literature, writing newspaper ads. They have developed many contacts. This morning's congregation was 20, I think, which included two new visitors.

After the service Al and Julie invited a load of people, and us, back for lunch. It was a delight. There is a warm spirit amongst this group which is a good sign for the future.

Next week I will be leading the service there, God willing. I go with fear and trepidation. It's not easy handling someone else's baby!

I preached at DFC this evening. We are blessed at the moment with some real encouragers in the congregation who speak to me afterwards. However, the numbers were depleted for various known reasons. I usually find this affects my spirit adversely. However, in our passage this evening, John 20:19-31, Jesus gives his peace, blesses with his Spirit for proclamation, and enables us to profess Christ, all as the fruit of his resurrection from the dead. Yes, it is good to remember that Jesus lives!

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