Thursday, May 25, 2006

Evangelical (R)evolution in the Kirk?

It is the Church of Scotland GA this week. Lig Duncan has been keeping track on Ref21. I have been thinking how funny how it is that you get info on the goings on of a Scottish church from an American! However, this has been remedied by David Shedden. (I have pinched his title for this post.)

Yesterday was the debate over whether the blessing or not of same-sex unions by clergy should be allowed under liberty of conscience. The decision was defered for a year while presbyteries debate the issue. David is quite optimistic that evangelicals are finally beginning to affect decisions. For David, the only question is what kind of evangelicalism will the Church of Scotland hold to in 15 years time.

I'm not sure I share his optimism, but it is refreshing, nonetheless.

(HT: Irish Reformation)

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